Milliken Middle School - Milliken, Colorado - Middle School

Milliken Middle School

Phone - 970-587-4341
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Milliken Middle School
Grades Taught/District Info
Male/Female Population
Male Female Total
231 223 454
Students by Race
Race Count %
American Indian - Alaskan 0 -
Asian - Pacific Islander 3 0.66
Black 3 0.66
Hispanic 167 36.78
White 281 61.89
Student by Grade Count
Milliken Middle School Reviews

From: Fed Up | submitted: May 10, 2011
This school is horrible. The administration is absolutely awful. I have had nothing but problems with this school from day one and I have 3 children there and 2 more on the way which we are now looking at KQA as an alternative to this school. The only saving grace is that the principal Mr. Long will be gone at the end of the year. This school is full of outright discrimination and poor policies. My child has repeatedly come home from school after being beaten up and harassed and the school refuses to do anything about it. The administration will fill you with nothing but lies and double speak when trying to support their decisions to do nothing about the problems they have. I urge you to validate my statements and contact the ACLU as they have been filled with complaints and concerns for the past few years as it pertains to this school.

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